A list of simple Linux command references

Basic Linux (Bash) Commands

Below is a list of basic Linux commands that one may use almost any Linux machine. For these commands any_directory will represent an arbitrary directory, and for any file or directory, you may choose to do a file in your current directory, or choose a file in a different directory.

ls any_directory
List the contents of the directory at any_directory (leave blank for current directory)
cd any_directory
Change to directory at any_directory
Output the absolute path to your current directory
cp source_file destination_file
Copy source_file to the destination_file (this can be used to make backups, or copy it to a different location)
cp -r source_directory destination_directory
Copy source_directory to the destination_directory (note the only difference is the "-r" for "recursive")
rm file_to_be_removed
Remove (delete) the file called file_to_be_removed
rm -rf directory_to_be_removed
Remove (delete) the directory called directory_to_be_removed
mkdir directory_name
Make (create) the directory called directory_name
rmdir directory_name
Remove (delete) the directory called directory_name
cat file_name
Output the contents of file file_name to the standard output (console)
less file_name
View the contents of file file_name with pagination
head file_name
Output just the beginning of file file_name to the standard output (console)
tail file_name
Output just the end of file file_name to the standard output (console)
nano file_name
Edit the file file_name using Nano (an easier-to-learn text editor)
vi file_name
Edit the file file_name using vi (a powerful text editor that is more difficult to learn)

Cluster Specific Commands

A list of Commands that you will use on ARCC clusters, but not necessarily on any Linux machine

sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser -t hourper End=`date +"%m/%d-%R"` | grep "your_account_name"
Output the monthly hours used and the total percentage of the limits on account your_account_name in hours
sreport cluster AccountUtilizationByUser -t minper End=`date +"%m/%d-%R"` | grep "your_account_name"
Output the monthly hours used and the total percentage of the limits on account your_account_name in minutes
sacctmgr show qos "your_account_name"
Output the monthly limit on account your_account_name in minutes
sinfo -o "%15N %10c %10m %25f %10G"
Output a list of different node groupings and their associated features (useful for Newton)
Output the storage space limits for your account
sbatch submit_script
Submit the job with the submission script file named submit_script
srun --pty bash
Start an interactive session with all the default settings
scancel job_number
Cancel or end job with the Job ID job_number
squeue -u `whoami`
Check the status of all of your jobs
scontrol show jobid job_number
Output more detailed information about the job with Job ID job_number
Check the status of all jobs in the queues
About the UCF ARCC:

The University of Central Florida (UCF) Advanced Research Computing Center is managed by the Institute for Simulation and Training, with subsidies from the UCF Provost and Vice President for Research and Commercialization, for the use by all UCF faculty and their students. Collaboration with other universities and industry is also possible.

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Contact Info:
UCF Advanced Research Computing Center
3039 Technology Parkway, Suite 220
Orlando, FL 32826
P: 407-882-1147

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